Posted by: cordiallyakacaroline | October 21, 2008

Video Game Addiction

Yesterday while I was at home sick I watched some tv. Dr. Phil had a show about video game addiction so I watched it. It was basically about 3 grown men that were addicted to video games. I have thought at times that I might be addicted to Club Penguin, (I’ve heard some of you make similiar comments about cp taking over your lives) and just games in general but these men took the cake. They basically lost touch with reality completly. One committed suicide, one thought of committing suicide, and all three had lost their jobs to the games. I had never heard of the game that they kept talking about. All I know is that it revolved around violence…you know one of the role playing games where you fight your way through it. After seeing the program I am relieved to say that I am not addicted to video games. Granted, I love Club Penguin, I love the friends I’ve made there, and I spend alot of time sitting in front of my computer playing it and doing other things too, but thankfully it has not had the effect of giving me thoughts of ending my life. McDonald’s took care of that for me! Chicken nuggets gave me thoughts of suicide. Ugh I’m feeling somewhat better from their poison today.
So trust me…McDonald’s is far worse for you than Club Penguin.


  1. That’s really sad about the guys being addicted to those games. I don’t think Club Penguin is THAT addicting though.


  2. Yeah. One time I played club penguin everyday at it kinda made me loose focus on school. So now I play it sometimes

  3. Ooh, I’m sorry you’re sick. See, that’s why people should avoid McDonald’s unless they haven’t eaten for three days, have no method of transportation, and that is the only thing within thirty miles of the place. And those guys who are addicted to video games really need to get a life. It’s just sad that those two committed suicide. I’m glad I don’t have an addiction to something violent like that…but does an archery addiction count as violence? If so, I’m in trouble… 😮

  4. not to say im stupid or anything but… wats suicide? i dont think ive ever heard of that word

  5. its like wen u want to kill usrself i think

  6. Suicide is when you kill yourself, to put it bluntly…it’s rather gruesome, how can someone possibly DO that to themselves!?!??!?!!!?!?!?!

  7. Yeah there was a show about how a lady shot herself in the EAR and died ’cause she purposely commited suicide! It’s freaky! I mean, I bet a lot of people say, “I wanna die!” even if they aren’t Emo. If they are Emo, they might really mean it, but not necessarily if you aren’t. So, just ’cause someone feels that way doesn’t mean they really meant it.
    Point: What Lemon said.

  8. thats crazy. i read that and literally my eyes popped and i like covered my mouth with my hands. crazy sad. cant even imagine that. sry i havent been answering email cord things have been bad. really bad like idk wat to do. i hope i get my phone minutes & messaging back. i met this guy named roberto(no hes not mexican idk why his name is roberto but hes so hot :D) no seriously though hes like over school too so he said hed take me off campus cause i dont my license until january if i pass. but im so over everything thats goin on. im too stressed and i think me and russell are doin well but he doesnt catch on to too much so AH idk wats goin on with me…. ill email everythin right now cause im seriously stressin like takin advil and crap like overdosing everyday cause of major headaches and stuff. it sucks. ya things r bad but ill email u..

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